Enroll in our Online Texas LTC Refresher Course – $19
With over 13,000 previous customers attending our In-person and Online Texas License To Carry classes, we’re now offering an online course to help existing LTC holders to brush up on ever-changing state laws.
This refresher course is for those that already have a license to carry. LTC holders received a lot of new benefits and protections in the last Texas legislative session. We can also carry in more places now with fewer restrictions. This course covers everything a license holder needs to know.
We break down and explain all the new laws so it’s easy for everyone to understand. We want to make sure everyone understands and knows all of the new laws. If you have a Texas License to carry you will learn something new by taking our refresher course.
New LTC Carry Laws
You will learn about some new law changes that license holders have been waiting years for. This past legislative session gave LTC holders rights, protections and benefits that ONLY APPLY to those with a license. Some topics in this course include:
- Intoxicated no longer a crime
- Protection carrying in an unposted 51% business
- Can carry at certain college sporting events
- New Trespass protections added
- New “vehicle” carry laws
- Additional carry locations
- Protection in some “off limit” places
- New prohibited signage
- and a LOT MORE
Our refresher course will help you take advantage of all the new law changes in Texas for those that have a Texas License to carry. Enroll now and learn about all the new advantages!
This class can be taken on your phone, tablet, or personal computer. Start and stop at your leisure and refer back to the information for twelve months from your enrollment date. Carrying a handgun is your right… staying informed is your responsibility.
Our Online License To Carry refresher course is fast, easy, and only $19.