This range session is for those that havecompleted the Online License To Carry class.
Pre-registration and pre-payment are required. See our calendar below for available dates and locations.
Pistol Qualification is $50
This fee covers the 1-hour of shooting / safety training (state required), target, and eye & hearing protection.
The range fee is NOT included in the fees above (usually $10-20, depending on the range).
Each Student will need the following items tocomplete the live fire portion of training:
- Printed copy of your LTC-104 Completion Certificate (additional $25 fee if we must do it via email after the range session).
- Footwear that covers the entire foot (mandatory)
- A shirt with a conservative neckline (to protect against hot brass)
- Handgun: No minimum caliber required for LTC… a .22 will do.
- It no longer matters if you qualify with a revolver or semi-auto
- Handguns should be in clean and safe working order
- Firearms must be transported in a case, holster, or bag when entering/leaving the range
- At least TWO empty magazines required for semi-autos
- The State does NOT allow the use of handgun-mounted lasers or optics for LTC qualifications.
- Ammunition: Minimum 50 rounds of brass-cased, factory ammo. No reloads.
Eye protection, hearing protection, and targets will be provided. Feel free to bring your own eye and hearing protection.
This range session is a proficiencydemonstration… NOT a “Learn To Shoot” class. Please let us know if you would like a basic handgun or refresher course. https://goheeled.com/basic/
Terms & Conditions:
- WE DO NOT ALLOW REFUNDS OR RESCHEDULES. Much like a concert ticket, advance payment is required for all training and your payment reserves your spot on the date and time that you selected.
- It is the student’s responsibility to read and understand the State’s eligibility requirements prior to enrolling in training. Go Heeled makes no guarantee of eligibility or license issuance.
- License To Carry and Level 3 Security classes are not a Learn To Shoot Class. The State requires that all participants know how to safely operate a handgun prior to attending this class. We will be happy to help you with a Basic Handgun Class.
- In-person LTC class discounts for current military, veterans, first responders, teachers, NRA members, and those age 60+.
Your payment signifies that you understand and agree to the terms above.
Upcoming LTC Training
Shooting Exemption:
The below individuals DO NOT HAVE TO SHOOT and are exempt from the range training. Just take the online class and apply with the State.
- Active and Reserve Military and Veterans with a military firearms qualification in the last 10 years
- Must have written proof showing the date of the qualification
- Texas State Correctional Officers
- County Jailers that have completed firearms training as part of their employment