Texas has changed the minimum age for an LTC to 18
Click HERE to enroll in the Online Texas License To Carry Class – $55
With over 15,000 previous customers attending our in-person Texas License To Carry class, we’re now offering the same training online.
Our Texas online License To Carry class is certified and approved by the Texas Department of Public Safety Handgun Licensing Division and is accepted as an alternative to in-person classroom training.
Our four-hour online class can be taken any time, at your own pace, from anywhere in the world.
You can download the Completion Certificate (LTC-101) immediately after completing the training.
Shooting Portion:
You can take our online course and use any Texas LTC instructor to complete the range instruction/ shooting portion for you (additional fee – Instructor Dependent). Just take your LTC-101 certificate of training to that instructor. We would be happy to help you with the range training, when you’re ready, We charge $50 for this training. That fee covers the 1 hour of safety training (state required), target, and eye & hearing protection.
The range fee is not included in the above price (usually $10-20, depending on the range).
Shooting Exemption:
The below individuals DO NOT HAVE TO SHOOT and are exempt from the range training. Just take the online class and apply with the State.
- Active and Reserve Military and Veterans with a military firearms qualification in the last 10 years
- Must have written proof showing the date of the qualification
- Texas State Correctional Officers
- County Jailers that have completed firearms training as part of their employment