The Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act (LEOSA) allows qualified retired LEOs (RLEOs) to concealed carry in any jurisdiction in the United States, regardless of state or local laws, with some exceptions. It was enacted in 2004 and amended in 2010 and 2013. 18 U.S. Code §§ 926B & 926C Therefore, an individual who qualifies under LEOSA does not need a state-issued concealed carry permit in order to carry a concealed firearm in any state. Annual renewals are required.
Qualified Retired Law Enforcement Officer renewals and range qualifications are scheduled by appointment. Please see our calendar below for available dates and locations.
Pre-registration and pre-payment are required.
The range fee is not included in the price above (usually $15-20, depending on location).
Each Student will need the following items in order to complete the live fire portion of training:
- Footwear that covers the entire foot
- A shirt with a conservative neckline (to protect against hot brass)
- Handgun: .38 cal (revolver) or 9mm (semi-auto) minimum
- Handguns should be in clean and safe working order
- At least TWO empty magazines required for semi-autos
- Ammunition: Minimum 50 rounds of brass-cased, factory ammo. No reloads or steel / aluminum case.
- At least five of those rounds will need to be duty ammunition (hollow point)
- Printed copy of your TCOLE Qualified Retired Firearms Certificate (IUF 03.002 Retired Officer Firearms Certificate)
Safety glasses, hearing protection, and targets will be provided. Rental firearms and ammo are available.
Subject to Terms and Conditions.
Upcoming LEOSA Training

San Antonio Range: Online LTC & LEOSAExpired

In-Person LTC Class: BoerneExpired

San Antonio Range: Online LTC & LEOSAExpired

San Antonio: Level 3 (10 Hr Course)Expired

In-Person LTC Class: AustinExpired

Austin Range: Online LTC & LEOSAExpired

Austin: Level 3 (10 Hr Course)Expired

San Antonio Range: Online LTC & LEOSAExpired

Alvin Range: Online LTC & LEOSAExpired

Alvin: Level 3 (10 Hr Course)Expired

In-Person LTC Class: AlvinExpired

San Antonio Range: Online LTC & LEOSA

San Antonio: Level 3 (10 Hr Course)

In-Person LTC Class: Austin

Austin: Level 3 (10 Hr Course)

Austin Range: Online LTC & LEOSA
Combo Offer… Save $50
For those interested in obtaining a Texas License To Carry, take our Online LTC Class and we will conduct your LTC range qualification at the same time as your LEOSA qual, at no additional cost. (Reg. $50 fee)
Although a License To Carry is not required for those covered by LEOSA, it does offer an opportunity for Texas Use of Force training and the ability to bypass background checks on future gun purchases.