Range Qualification for Texas Online LTC

This range session is for those that havecompleted the Online License To Carry class.

Pre-registration and pre-payment are required. See our calendar below for available dates and locations.

Pistol Qualification is $50

This fee covers the 1-hour of shooting / safety training (state required), target, and eye & hearing protection.

The range fee is NOT included in the fees above (usually $10-20, depending on the range).

Each Student will need the following items tocomplete the live fire portion of training:  

  • Printed copy of your LTC-104 Completion Certificate (additional $25 fee if we must do it via email after the range session).
  • Footwear that covers the entire foot (mandatory)
  • A shirt with a conservative neckline (to protect against hot brass)
  • Handgun: No minimum caliber required for LTC… a .22 will do.
    • It no longer matters if you qualify with a revolver or semi-auto
    • Handguns should be in clean and safe working order
    • Firearms must be transported in a case, holster, or bag when entering/leaving the range
    • At least TWO empty magazines required for semi-autos
    • The State does NOT allow the use of handgun-mounted lasers or optics for LTC qualifications.
    • Ammunition: Minimum 50 rounds of brass-cased, factory ammo. No reloads.

Eye protection, hearing protection, and targets will be provided. Feel free to bring your own eye and hearing protection.

This range session is a proficiencydemonstration… NOT a “Learn To Shoot” class. Please let us know if you would like a basic handgun or refresher course. https://goheeled.com/basic/

LTC Range Qualification
Enter Range Date from Schedule Below
Email Address
  1. WE DO NOT ALLOW REFUNDS OR RESCHEDULES. Much like a concert ticket, advance payment is required for all training and your payment reserves your spot on the date and time that you selected.
  2. It is the student’s responsibility to read and understand the State’s eligibility requirements prior to enrolling in training. Go Heeled makes no guarantee of eligibility or license issuance.
  3. License To Carry and Level 3 Security classes are not a Learn To Shoot Class. The State requires that all participants know how to safely operate a handgun prior to attending this class. We will be happy to help you with a Basic Handgun Class.
  4. In-person LTC class discounts for current military, veterans, first responders, teachers, NRA members, and those age 60+.

Upcoming LTC Training

April 2025
May 2025
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Shooting Exemption:

The below individuals DO NOT HAVE TO SHOOT and are exempt from the range training. Just take the online class and apply with the State.

  • Active and Reserve Military and Veterans with a military firearms qualification in the last 10 years
    • Must have written proof showing the date of the qualification
  • Texas State Correctional Officers
  • County Jailers that have completed firearms training as part of their employment